In a rush? Here are some of our most frequently asked questions
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Continue ShoppingIn a rush? Here are some of our most frequently asked questions
Unfortunately, at this stage we are unable to cancel or change orders after they’ve been placed. We recommend waiting to receive your order to initiate a return. Sorry!
It can take up to 30 minutes for your confirmation email to arrive in your inbox. If it still isn’t there after 30 minutes, please check your junk folder. If it’s not there either, please get in touch so we can take a look.
You can add a promotion or discount code at checkout. When you’re in your cart page, click “PROCEED TO CHECKOUT” and enter the code by clicking on the APPLY DISCOUNT CODE field on the right hand side of the screen.
If your code isn’t working, have a read through the terms and conditions related to that code to make sure your cart applies. Be sure to check things like expiry date, minimum spend, and qualifying product type, and if in doubt, please contact us so we can help.
Make sure your items comply with our returns policy, then re-package them in the same packaging they arrived in. You can either choose your own delivery method back to us, or use our Australia Post Portal for flat rate $14.95 returns within Australia.
Purchase your label and find out more here.
Although we would like to handle all returns directly, your purchase contract is with the retailer from whom you purchased the shoes.
We would ask you at your earliest convenience to return the shoes with your proof of purchase (receipt) directly to the business you purchased from (Myer or David Jones).
Please reach out to us at
We aim to answer all enquiries within 2-4 business days.
We’d love to collaborate with you! If you're passionate about shoes and want to share our amazing styles with your audience, we’d love to hear from you today. Please reach out to us by emailingÂ
We are always searching for enthusiastic people to join the Shoe HQ team. If you are interested in being part of the Shoe HQ family, please express your interest by emailing